Perhaps the most well-known DUI field sobriety test administered by law enforcement is the walk and turn test. Suspects must walk in a straight line, heel to toe, for 9 steps. The police officer will then ask the person to turn and walk back in the same manner. The line may be “imaginary” or often the white line on the highway.
How do I know if the Test was Administered Properly?
First, the police officer must give clear and accurate instructions. They may also demonstrate the act. The suspect must also understand the instructions by responding to the officer’s requests. Without that, how can you correctly grade someone on a test they may not understand? Many times, language barriers are a cause for mistakes.
What Conditions Cause Test Failure?
Other than intoxication, you may fail the walk and turn test from these conditions:
• Excess weight/obesity
• Over 65 years of age
• Awkward shoes
• Any physical condition affecting balance
• Limited site in one eye
Remember that field sobriety tests such as the Walk & Turn are not generally accepted by the scientific community as an accurate method to measure the quantity of alcohol in one's blood or to prove the alleged state of intoxication.
The bottom line is that if you are charged with a DUI, there is no reason to give up hope! Your lawyer will help you explore avenues you never knew about – it’s their job. It is vital to have an attorney who understands DUI law in your state. A DUI charge is serious.