The one thing no book or seminar can answer for you when you are seriously thinking about starting a business is this:
Have you made the decision to go into business for yourself?
Are you sure that starting a business is what you really want to do?
If so, have you planned for it financially?
If your answers are yes, then great. Go on and get started.
But if there is any hesitation, maybe you should STOP and THINK this through.
There are two schools of thought on hesitation.
1. If you think long, you think wrong:
Some people are from the school that teaches you to act and act quick. This works for some, but not for others.
Most people who are impulsive when they start a business either struggle for a long time or they fail altogether. But this is not true for everybody!
Some people have an instinct for moving quickly and are very successful at it.
They don't think themselves out of a good opportunity.
2. Look before you leap:
Many people go into business with a good vision but without a good plan. There are a lot of "what if's" in business and those "what if's" can spell trouble down the road if you don't plan carefully.
So a little hesitation and solid plan of action may be a good thing for you. Try to anticipate trouble before you get to it, or it gets to you.
Try and resolve as many issues, up front, as you possibly can.
By stopping and thinking before you get started, you may save yourself a lot of headaches in the future.
Getting started on a positive note is just the first step in the beginning of a long process that may take you and your company into many prosperious years of business ownership.
The business world is teeming with people just like you, yet, you are unique in the way you get started and in the way you handle your business and financial affairs.