Georgia Child Custody:
Georgia courts will do everything possible to lessen the emotional impact of divorcing parents on children. Neither parent is automatically entitled to custody as the court will always look to the best interests of the child or children before ruling on custody arrangements. The court will usually give visitation rights to the parent not receiving custody. The court will look at the situations of the parties and their relationships, but will also consider all evidence including, especially, a history of family violence. The court will consider the desires of children over 11 in awarding custody. Children over 14 will sometimes be allowed to choose their custodial parent, with the court’s approval.Georgia Child Support:
Georgia has adopted a formula for calculating child support when the parents can’t agree on an amount. For example, the non-custodial spouse will usually pay 17–23% of that parent’s gross income in support for one child. The court considers several factors in deciding on a percentage, such as the ages and needs of the children, any special needs of the parents, and economic difficulties.