Just because you hear all the bad news about the economy, it does not mean that all businesses are failing. Some are, but many are doing just great. As a matter of fact, certain businesses actually thrive when the economy is bad and there are things about a bad economy that can make an enterprising entrepreneur a lot of money.
Starting a business during bad economic times may be a good idea for you. It depends on what type of business you have in mind, whether or not it makes sense in this type of economy, and how much time and money you are willing to invest. Actually, that is the same criteria you need in good economic times.
But before you jump into any business endeavor, you should do your homework. Find out if there is a market for the type of business that you want to start. If there is, ask yourself these questions;
Do you have the right skills and experience to start and operate a business?
Have you decided whether the type of business you want to start is feasible for you?
Do you have the foresight to plan for the long term?
Have you thought about the possibility that you may have to work months, or even years, before you actually start making a profit?
Do you have the right amount of support from family?
Have you talked with loved ones about your ideas and what your plans are for making your business succeed?
Do you have the right temperament to effectively deal with customers?
Can you handle the financial burden that comes with running a business?
And most of all, do you believe in yourself?
Starting any type of business in any economy warrants a lot of thought and a lot of self directed questions. And always, keep your eye on the prize because it's the end results that count.
If you feel that you have a good idea and a good long term plan, if you think that you can start a business that can thrive in bad economic conditions, and if you believe you can succeed, go ahead and get started.
Note: Don't follow other peoples' dreams mistaking them for your own. Follow your own instincts and make your own decisions.