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What Is A Felony?

A felony is a crime of grave nature, such as murder, rape, aggravated assault, arson, burglary, grand theft, treason, espionage, kidnapping, fraud and embezzlement.

Some offences that are similar to felonies can be misdemeanors as well. The illegal manufacture, distribution or possession of a controlled substance may be a felony, but possession of small amounts may only be a misdemeanor.

There a four basic categories that felonies are placed into:

First degree principles are those who are actually committ the crime in question.

Second degree principles are aiders and abettors present at the scene of the crime.

Third degree principles are accessories before the fact, aiders and abettors helped the principle before the basic crime took place.

The fourth degree principle includes being an accessory to the crime after it happens. However, American jurisdictions has eliminated the distinction among the first three categories.

Felons can receive punishments which ranges from probation, to imprisonment, to execution for murder or other serious crimes.

In the United States felons may face a hard time getting employment, or loss of voting rights.

Felons may face prohibitations from obtaining certain licenses and may be banned from obtaining firearms, ammunition and body armour.

If the felon is not a citizen of the United States, they will be subject to being deported after their conviction.

Getting a felony expunged is determined by the law of the state. Some states do not allow expungement, no matter what the offense is.

Federal law does not have any provisions for convicted felons in a federal United State district court to apply to have their record expunged.

The only way a felon can receive relief is if he or she gets a Presidential Pardon, which does not expunge the felony from their record, but gives the felon relief from civil disabilities that stems from the crime.