Do you qualify for Legel Aid?
In most parts of the world there is a scheme available that is called Legel Aid, which helps provide financial support for getting proper, professional legel advice for certain people. There are a number of criteria that must be met for a person to receive legel aid.
Firstly it will very much depend on your own personal financial circumstances – if you earn a sizeable income you are unlikely to be granted legal aid, but if you are unemployed or on a low income you are very likely to be eligible.
Secondly, it will depend on how much support you require. For example, if you need hundreds of thousands of pounds to fight your case you will not likely receive the full amount, though you may still get some level of legal aid to support your case.
Lastly, it depends on the type of case you need help with. To begin with, if it is a criminal case legal aid is available but it is different to any other kind of case. These are the types of cases you can claim legal aid for:
•Claiming for welfare benefits, such as problems with getting Job Seeker’s Allowance.
•Claiming for actions against the police, such as wrongful arrest or physical abuse.
•Claiming for clinical negligence, such as claims against the NHS, a doctor or hospital.
•Community care claims, such as claims against social services for not looking after an elderly person properly.
•Consumer and general contract cases, such as poor quality of goods or services provided.
•Crime, such as getting help in court if you’re accused of an offence, though as has been said, there is a slightly different process for this.
•Debt help, such as legal advice if you have been declared bankrupt.
•Education cases, such as legal cases about education for special needs
•Employment cases, such as claims of unfair dismissal or discrimination. These must not be dealt with tribunal, however.
•Family law cases, such as separation and divorce.
•Housing cases, such as problems you’ve had buying or selling a home.
•Immigration and nationality cases, such as being deported from the UK.
•Claiming for mental health support, such as getting help for a family member or friend.
•Public law cases, such as challenging the decision of a local authority.
There are certain types of cases where legal aid cannot be provided. They are personal injury, employment tribunals, conveyancing, boundary disputes,making a will, libel and slander.
There are different levels of legal aid. It could be provided to cover professional advice, for example from a medical negligence solicitors, or it could be for legal representation, where it pays for the cost of the advice and the cost of the solicitor that will represent you in court.
The first step in finding out if you are eligible for legal aid is to contact the Community Legal Advice line and provide financial details like you and your partners income, any benefits claimed, savings you have and you National Insurance Number.
Alternatively, your legal representative can apply for legal aid on your behalf and they will be able to advise you on how likely you would be to receive it