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DUI Car Insurance

A Small Piece of Paper That Holds Tremendous Value

Proof of insurance is mandatory to drive a vehicle in any state. It may not be something we think of everyday, but this small card is what is keeping you on the road. Driving anywhere without it is impossible.

When you have a DUI conviction, many penalties could be facing you. One of them is higher insurance rates – or even cancellation of your policy.

Your motor vehicle record is checked on a regular basis by your insurance company (usually once every three years or when you open a new policy). Sometimes, a DUI conviction may slip under your insurance company’s radar due to lack of communication between the DMV and insurance companies.

However, if they find out about your DUI conviction, it may lead to higher insurance rates, or complete cancellation of coverage. That is because DUI convicts are labeled as high-risk drivers. Your insurance company may double or triple your renewal rate. If you find yourself in this situation, it’s always best to shop around for the lowest possible rate you can find.

But on the bright side, your insurances rates will not necessarily be increased if they find out about your DUI conviction. Some insurance companies will take into account your past driving record and claims filed. For example, State Farm's action depends on which subsidiary you're with.

With a DUI conviction, your insurance company must provide the DMV with an SR-22 form. This form removes your license suspension by providing the state with proof of insurance. An SR-22 also means your insurance company is required to notify the DMV if it cancels your insurance for any reason.

So How Do You Keep Your Car on the Road?

A specialized DUI attorney can guide you through your entire DUI ordeal. With their help it is possible to avoid conviction and keep your insurance rate from rising. Contact a DUI attorney today in your state.