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Preventing a DUI

Social gatherings are a part of life. Without it we might all go a little crazy! We work hard and need the chance to unwind every now and then. This may mean consuming alcohol at a work-related party or having a night of fun with friends. And it’s so easy to stay responsible. All you need is a designated driver!

Millions of Americans volunteer for this noble position every year. They are respected at social gatherings for there ability to stay responsible by not drinking and helping everyone get home safely. They have saved thousands of lives – maybe even yours.

Preventing a DUI before it happens can help you in so many ways by:

• Avoiding embarrassment
• Keeping your driver’s license
• Avoiding fines
• Staying out of jail
• Preventing senseless injury and death

The penalties for a DUI charge can be severe. Wouldn’t it be great to avoid the whole conflict altogether by having a designated driver?

And being a designated driver can be easy. Here’s some simple ways to plan ahead:

• Be aware if you are going to socialize with alcoholic beverages
• Decide ahead of time if you or someone else will be the designated driver
• Take turns being the designated driver
• If there’s a large group, make sure there are enough designated drivers to get everyone home safely.

If you fear that someone you know may consider driving drunk, don’t let them! You don’t have to be harsh; in fact you can make a joke of it. Just take their keys and tell them you’re doing them a favor and that they owe you with a smile!

Making a difference is easier than you think. Preventing a DUI before it happens is the smart thing to do!