Data indicates that immigrants account for about 40 percent of the population of New York City. It's no coincidence that immigration attorneys in New York City have their hands full. Here's how to find one.
First, review the general strategies outlined in this section entitled, “How to find an experienced immigration attorney.” This will give you a general overview of how to search for and find an qualified immigration attorney, regardless of where you live.
Your next step is to visit directories for immigration attorneys in your state. Probably the most immediate and direct source is the State Bar web site for New York. It provides additional information for specific attorneys in the State of New York. You can also search for an attorney by the county you live in and view their areas of specialization.
New York, like most states, is divided into counties. In addition to your State Bar association, every county usually has a local bar association. Contact information for the bar association in your area can be found somewhere at the local court house. If it is a larger organization, it may actually have a listing in the phone book. Ironically, more bar associations are also trying to communicate with members and potential clients via other web options like Face Book and Twitter. Some of these options will give you search engines for additional information. From the local bar, you can learn which attorneys do immigration law. From the attorney’s Face book page, you can begin to get an idea of how you feel about that particular attorney and background info on the types of cases they handle.
If possible, try to find an attorney within New York that can resolve your employment issues. Local counsel will usually fare better when dealing with agencies because they already have a working relationship with them. They will also be more familiar with local rules and procedures.