By looking over your shoulder while you use your ATM card, someone can get your pin number and access your bank account.
It has been pointed out that each computer key give off a certain sound that someone with a trained ear can pick up on. Thus, whatever you are typing in, such as you bank account number or your credit card information, can be deciphered.
Your personal information can be gotten from dishonest bank tellers, store clerks, auto dealers, friends, relatives or anyone with access to documents with your information on them.
With this information, someone can secure credit cards in your name and run the bills up into the thousands of dollars. They can purchase or lease cars, rent apartments, buy clothes, furniture and eat at expensive restaurants, all in your name.
All of this may be taking place right under your nose and may go on for years without you finding out.
If a criminal gets a hold of your credit information and uses it to his advantage, he can have the bills sent to another address so you can’t be aware of what is going on.
In some cases, the criminals may even pay the bills on time for months or years so you won’t get notified. That is, until they get tired of making the payments and or decide that you may be getting suspicious. Then they just walk away leaving you with a bundle of debt, frustration, and a bad headache.