It has even been reported that identities have been stolen from new born babies straight out of the hospitals in which they were born. In some hospitals, babies are given social security numbers before they are released and with that information, a criminal can use the baby’s identity for years before anyone notices.
Internet and identity search companies
The internet has become a major way for identity theft to flourish. It provides so much personal data on individuals that it is almost impossible to keep tract of who is using this information.
Identity search companies on the internet often sell information to people who are unscrupulous and are willing to pay for it.
These individuals and companies are willing to pay for your name, address, social security number and any other information that is available.
Also prevalent today are phony telemarketing schemes that are being used specifically to obtain personal information. Someone may call your home and tell you that you have won a trip or some other enticing product but before you can receive it, you have to give them personal data.
You may not be aware of what is going on because you can’t see it until it happens to you and then it may be too late.
Identity theft is a growing problem and it will probably get much worse before someone comes up with a good plan to stop it.