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Ohio Child Custody & Ohio Child Support

It is always best if you and your ex can work out the details of raising your children cooperatively and without court intervention. In the long run, it is in the best interests of your child or children that you do so. If, however, there is conflict, the court can get involved and will always look to the best interests of the child or children in deciding issues of custody, visitation and support. Following are the laws governing Ohio child custody and Ohio child support.

Ohio Child Custody:
Ohio no longer uses the term child custody, but divides parental responsibility between the parents based on the best interests of the child or children. The court can’t enter an order for joint parenting unless the parents first submit a parenting plan for the court to review. If the parents don’t submit a plan, the court will name one parent residential parent and legal custodian. In making that decision the court will consider many factors, including the child’s preference and the child’s relationship with the parents.
Ohio Child Support:
Ohio law specifies a procedure for calculating child support. The gross incomes of both parents are added together and located on a chart, which gives the appropriate child support. The court can vary from the amount that appears on the chart after considering several factors, including the special needs of a child, obligations to children not of this marriage, parenting time, and other financial factors.

Support is paid to a child support agency and usually deducted by an employer. See Ohio Divorce Laws & Resources for child support enforcement resources.
A lawyer can help you sort through your rights and responsibilities when it comes to childrearing after a divorce, and serve as your advocate and/or counsel when negotiating a parenting agreement.